2013年12月30日 星期一

YEC bible study: 12/29聚會日記

我們在昨天把翻譯做完了並且討論page 39-40,下次預計要來進行題目的分享、請大家多做準備。
下個禮拜1/5教會新任長老和執事的就任(ordination of elders and deacons)所以兩場禮拜必須合併、因此我們又要暫停一次。1/12恢復聚會、請大家記得。
昨天來的人有 Robert, Steven, Cliff, Man mei, Ruth, Birdy, Ian, Christine. 其他好久不見的朋友們也多加油、偶爾出來給我們看一下把。

祝大家新年快樂、心想事成、神恩滿溢。Happy 2014!


2013年12月24日 星期二

YEC bible study--Merry Xmas'





每年的聖誕都是很特別的、除了卡片和祝賀之外、主要是因為有你們大家的陪伴。在此獻上感謝的禱告並再次祝大家聖誕快樂, merry Xmas'.


2013年12月16日 星期一



  我們的聖誕節活動即將在星期六12/21開始,晚上五點半大家一起在1樓用餐,晚上七點在4樓有慶祝活動. 教會各團契會有表演節目還有牧師的訊息分享告訴我們聖誕節真正的意義,歡迎大家一起來參加。




  本周聚會出現的同學有: Steven, Claire, Paul, Cliff, Flora, Ching, Man mei, Birdy, Ruth(在教室外面參加), Robert.



2013年12月9日 星期一

新興教會YEC bible study 12/8聚會日記



聖誕節快到了,大家有感覺氣氛越來越濃了嗎? 教會在12/21禮拜六晚上5:30即將舉辦 百樂餐”(potluck dinner),每個人攜帶一道最愛的菜來和大家一起分享,正如聖誕節的精神一樣。可以來的朋友們請出聲,方便我們統計人數和規劃菜色的類別(吃的喝的都可以)。或者也可以直接到教會1樓的地方自行登記。如果臨時要帶朋友們過來的,請不要客氣,沒有帶一道菜來也可以一起來享受晚宴。希望大家把這一段時間空出來,就像等待耶穌基督降臨來到我們當中一樣。

昨天的聚會,我們已經把紅色的英文單字討論完畢並且做翻譯做到一半(如果沒記錯的話,應該是進行到出埃及記三:10) 沒出席的同學們(聽起來怪怪的,國字應該沒有打字錯誤)請在家裡先看一看方便下次接上來。

我們現在使用的教材也快要結束了,接下來這幾個禮拜我們要來統計需要買下一本教材的人。如果沒意外的話,價格應該和上次一樣(130-150)。因為是透過網路下單購物,大家一起買會比較方便,改天有需要的人可能就要自行去購買了。各位可以透過電子郵件, FB或者下次聚會讓我知道,等教材到了再收錢就可以了。這幾個禮拜新加入的朋友們,如果需要目前的教材影印,看到這個訊息請告知,下次見面再拿給你們。




FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/

2013年12月1日 星期日

YEC 12/1 英語查經班--聚會日記

真高興今天來了一位新朋友,Flora, 他在 大遠百(Mega)百貨公司上班.是我們以前查經班同學介紹的.願上帝祝福尋球他的人!

我們今天討論的第六科最後一個問題(如何在困難的環境下依然相信上帝有美意)是我們基督徒一個很大的挑戰.即使你祈禱到沒有力氣甚至已經忘記了, 神永遠不會忘記. 信心也是一種學習的功課,而且也是上帝所賜的.
在這邊也順便感謝聚會中熱烈討論的朋友們,他們提供了我們很多思考和討論英文單字的重點.畢竟我一個人臨時能夠想到的是非常有限,有他們的 "加料" 讓我們達到更深和更遠的討論.Thank you guys!

今天來的同學有: Robert, Ching, Steven, Paul, Cliff, Ruth, Man-mei, Flora, Jill and Birdy.感覺特別熱鬧,好久沒有那麼多人,既然會 "有一點擁擠"?. 請大家在自己禱告時別忘記紀念很久沒有出現的朋友們.



這是我們臉書小組連結 https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/

2013年11月29日 星期五

YEC English bible study--12/1英語查經班聚會通知


2013年11月17日 星期日

YEC bible study: 11/17 meeting diary & break on 11/24

my YEC friends,
today we watched the testament of the ex-porn star I told you about; and it really inspired us new thoughts both in the context of English learning and spiritual growth. One fragment went deep in my heart and reverberated like an echo: "there's no condemnation in the Lord". I, as a sinner, can only hope for the mercy of God upon everything. Were it not for His tender love, I could have not forgiven others, nor could I have forgiven myself. This doesn't mean that from now on I'm alright in everything, I still do have some problems in my life, but I'm going to rely all on Him, even when it comes to my weaknesses. 
Despite being absent from our meeting, Ruth has something to share about question 5 in our lesson: My answer is we are always have bad mood and very easy angry to each other. Why I want forgive my family when they hurt me. God he's words is truth. When i don't forgive some one like i am not forgive my self. when we have make mistake. God always give me chance. So i must forgive hurt me people. Forgive mean is "For we are sinner GIVE hurt you people love and GIVE each other chance to fix our relationship.
Perhaps you guys also have something of your own to share; if so, just put it forward on FB group for all to see.
Today's attendees were Robert, Jill, Steven, and Cliff. We'll keep watch on those who are not showing up, and let's pray for one another so that everyone will be close together even in the distance.
By the way, next Sunday will be Thanksgiving, which will take up the whole morning for church activity. Therefore, we'll STOP for a time only to see each other again on 12/1 at the YEC. But I hope that you can show up at the church in spite that we're not meeting for the bible study. It's my regret not being able to sit next to you during the mandarin worship. Maybe we can sit closer and help the newcomers out with the bible verses.
On 12/1 we'll kick start with lesson 7, so get ready for the vocabularies in red as well as the text. See you on then, bye.

check out our FB group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/

2013年11月10日 星期日

YEC English bible study--11/10 meeting diary

Hi everyone,

Today we've been through lesson 6, questions 1-4. However, we're leaving questions 5-6 for next time cuz those are more based on personal opinions rather than biblical facts. By the way, next time we're watching a video on the testimony of a former porn star who was saved by Jesus. We talked a little bit of that today in our meeting, and you definitely can't pass it up. It'll be a 40 min. video, without subtitles, and all English of course. I'll guarantee a shocking yet touching feeling after you see it. Perhaps we'll never go through the same adversities and calamities she had; however, in some ways like I said today, we much or less compare to the filthiest and most pathetic people we can imagine. So if you happen to be in a similar situation, please never give up on yourself, neither do you give up on God, the Lord, for there will always be a purpose for your and everyone's life in Jesus. He'll do awesome things on you, and those will certainly be way beyond your imagination.

Today's attendees were Paul, Ian, Man-mei, Steven, Ruth and Cliff (if I missed anyone please do let me know). I hope more people show up next time to share the wonderful message conveyed by the testimony. And by the way, since the film will be kind of long, try to make it there on time so as not to miss anything. May God be with you all!


our FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/

ps. Lesson 7 handouts had already been given today, but check the attachment if you didn't show up. Anyway, I'll bring them to you next time we meet.

2013年11月3日 星期日

YEC bible study--11/3 meeting

大家好,我們今天把第六課的文章全部討論完畢.對我們來說看起來只要幾分鐘的故事,Joseph來說是一輩子的生活經.很難想像如果我們就是故事中的主角,我們應該會用什麼樣的態度來看待上帝. Joseph的感受一定是很難形容的,在患難中度日如年.儘管這樣,他還是沒有失去信心.或許這就是我們在信心上要去學習的功課.著算已經成為基督徒了,人生還是有可能遇到一些苦難.我相信在看起來很平凡的外表之下,每個人或多或少都有一些大大小小的難題.這時候,我們今天看到的故事不就是一個最好的楷模,讓我們每個人有跡可循嗎? 要練出一身好功夫真不容易,還好身為個基督徒我們最上面有一個天父可以來交託和依靠,其他的只剩下柔軟的心和順福的態度.願上帝親自添加力量給大家,讓你的人生和Joseph一樣不只有走在他的道路上也能榮耀他的名.

今天出席的同學們有:Robert, Steven, Jill, Man-mei, Paul, Ian, Cliff, Ching, Birdy.不過RuthFB告訴我他今天有事情下次才會出現. Jamie要忙到明年,2014/1/1以後才會出現.


參考看看我們的FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/


2013年10月27日 星期日

YEC bible study--10/27 meeting journal: new people coming

Hi everyone,
we've been delighted today to be in the company of two young ladies. Letitia and Jean saw our announcement on the Internet and showed right up in the study, and they came with great enthusiasm and passion for the English bible. Letitia is currently a grad school student and Jean is getting prepared for grad school entrance exams coming in march. May God bless their way. I'm also glad to see Ian, Ruth and everyone else getting together and pursuing the truth of God. Also, I've never forgotten those who didn't show up for quite a while; and I'll keep praying for all of of you regardless of your attendance record. So, if YOU happen to be the "missing one" , you may consider giving yourself a chance to return and call back the good times that we used to have here. 
Next time (11/3, 9:00 AM), we'll proceed with the interpretation of the text (Lesson 6) and do some discussions from our book, so get yourself ready before then. 
Well, that's it for now. Bye and Emmanuel (God is with us).

For lesson 6 handouts heck out our FB bible study group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/ 

2013年10月21日 星期一

YEC bible study : 10/20 上課進度和下次的目標

hi folks,
我們昨天上課已經把第六課的單字討論超過一半以上 。下次我們要把剩下的部分講完然後進入翻譯和問題的討論。沒有來的人請先在家裡先做準備。 順便感謝在課堂中有同學拋磚引玉和集思廣益讓我們的討論更加有深度的豐富起來。 很久沒有來的同學或許您也可以考慮回來我們當中一起共襄盛舉 。再來也非常高興看見幾位新朋友加入我們當中,相信他們也可以帶來新的思考和新的方向。 至於課本的問題討論會比較著重在聖經的深度意含 ,可是也沒有所謂的標準答案,所以大家盡量用英文或中文發揮。 其實重點在於每一位的生活經驗和想法。
禮拜時牧師分享了以色列人過約旦河的經驗。 感覺這就像我們每天遇到的挑戰。我們必須先踏入並且帶著很大的信心才能夠看見上帝偉大的作為。 所謂的神蹟是發生在他們渡河北邊35 km之處,所以其實根本就沒有人會真正的看見。 有信心不是要用眼睛看、因為沒看見就相信的比較有福氣。 而且在過約旦河之前我們必須先潔淨自己而不是去想一些備案以防萬一上帝沒有出現。 罪惡讓我們和神的距離很遠、罪惡也讓我們的眼睛無法看見神蹟。

2013年10月15日 星期二

YEC bible study--Real time

Hi 大家好 ,
這星期天有 兩位新朋友來到我們當中 ,第一位是 Ruth 他在花點上班 ,應該是 Steven and Robert 的朋友 。另一位是Ian,我之前的學生 ,現在和我一樣在教英文 。所以有英文方面問題可以向他請教 。 希望他們兩位能夠常常來到我們當中一起來分享。終於可以寫中文了
 ,因為有mic 輸入系統 。出一張嘴巴就行啦 !
ps: 科技出於人性

2013年10月9日 星期三

YEC bible study: lesson 6 on its way to you

check out the attached file for lesson 6. We'll see it on Sunday 10/13. See you then, bye.

2013年10月6日 星期日

YEC bible study--Welcome new friends

my dear friends of the bible study,
today we resumed to our routine meeting as previously announced. And we were much more than happy to be in the company of a new friend, Timmie. I noted his enthusiasm to be among us despite we did not have the time to get to know each other better. He'll be away to take care of some business next time, but we'll get to see him again on 10/20. The other new friend was Ruth, who showed up after we dismissed. She's an acquaintance of Steven and Robert; so perhaps they can tell us more about her. Anyway, it's good to see new faces in the YEC, and hopefully they find here what they came for. Next week we're finishing lesson 5 and getting started with lesson 6. As for the handouts, I'll send them to you one of these days. Bye!


2013年10月3日 星期四

YEC bible study: wake up call

we're getting back to work on this coming Sunday (10/6) at 9:00 am, classroom 305, as usual. Our progress will be the discussions of lesson 5 on page 30 in our book. And if time permits, we get to see a short biblical documentary, as usual too. Well, it's been a long break and I long to see all of you again in the YEC. Seeeee you then.

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
1 Corinthians 13:4-8


YEC announcement: resume meeting

we're getting back to work on this coming Sunday (10/6) at 9:00 am, classroom 305, as usual. Our progress will be the discussions of lesson 5 on page 30 in our book. And if time permits, we get to see a short biblical documentary, as usual too. Well, it's been a long break and I long to see all of you again in the YEC. Seeeee you then.

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Check out our FB YEC group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/


2013年9月22日 星期日

YEC bible study--announcement correction

Hi guys,
I'm making here a correction of my last announcement about the resuming date of the YEC. It should actually be on 10/6 instead of 9/29, because we're taking a field trip next Sunday. Even though some are not going, yet I've been assigned a duty for the Sunday service. My apologies for the possible inconveniences I might have caused; but I hope to see everybody in 305 ON 10/6 at 9:00 am. And by the way, if you happen to know someone wishing to join us just bring them along. Bye!

Psalm 103:17
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children.


2013年8月28日 星期三

YEC bible study--summer break announcement

My bible study friends:
In addition to deacon election (9/1), the summer break is coming in the month of September, and we WON'T MEET UNTIL 9/29. Instead, three theme discussions (9/8~9/22) are taking over: Deuteronomy. This is a book recording the accounts of the Israelites on their way to the promised land; including some of the interactions between their leader Moses and his people. If you're interested, just come to classroom 310 and see what you get.

Next is a congratulation to the most diligent and persevering attendees of the semester: Robert and Steven. They were awarded with shopping gift coupons for their admirable attendance record.

As far as our meeting place, after further inquiry, we're staying where we are. Perhaps this is disappointing to some but I believe we can make do with whatever they give us.

See you next time and God be with you all.

I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me. John 5:30

Check out our FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/

2013年8月5日 星期一

YEC english bible study--announcement for 8/11 and 8/18

Hi folks,
yesterday we tried out the new place for us to meet, and thanks God so far so good.
As you might have already known, 8/11 is the day for church elder election. And this requires a joint Sunday service to congregate all members of the church; so, the YEC will have to stop once. As far as 8/18, I'll be out of town; but our "long time friend" Cindy kindly agreed to take over. Many thanks here for her passion and enthusiasm. Remember, on 8/18, when you meet again, you'll pick up from where we left yesterday, the vocabulary discussion on page 3 of our handouts.
  By the way, we 're delighted to see our old buddy, Cliff, showing up again after a long break. Also, Robert is bringing another newcomer to our bible study, which is really a nice thing.
In conclusion, the YEC WILL MEET next time on 8/18, 9:00, classroom 305. Oh yeah, one more thing, someone will have to wait on the second floor before getting to the 305, just in case some people are not up to our latest.
  God bless your earnest pursuit of truth.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.



2013年7月30日 星期二

YEC english bible study: Notification for relocation

Good day to all:
We're changing our meeting place to the classroom 305. This will be for at least until October, when the repair of AC systems in other classrooms are done.
There might be potential inconveniences, but we'll surely come up with the solutions as we meet them. 305 is located on the third floor, obviously. Go up the staircase and turn left as soon as you get to the third floor. Then go along the corridor all the way down, and you're there.
I'll see you next time at classroom 305, bye.

2013年7月28日 星期日

YEC bible study--Welcome new friends

today we had the honor to see two new friends in our meeting. Sophie came to us accompanied by Chi-fang, our sister in the church. And the second one is a semi-new friend, so to speak. Esther actually came to the bible study before, and she is back in Taiwan to see some relatives and old friends this time.
May God bless them and guide their way.
Next time we'll start lesson 5, don't forget. I'll see you on Sunday.


2013年7月22日 星期一

YEC English bible study: lesson 5--joseph

it's time to see lesson 5. On 7/28, we'll see a video and then switch to the lesson right away, so get ready for the vocabulary discussion. See you then, bye.

"'In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.
Acts 2:17


2013年6月24日 星期一

Lesson 4 is on its way to you

As the tittle itself suggests, check out the attachment if you want to preview the lesson.
By the way, I see that everyone is working harder than ever in class, which is a good sign. So those who didn't show up for a time should crank it up and get back to work seriously. As a general, language skills become rusty with the time, that's why we should brush them up every now and then.

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:7



2013年6月23日 星期日

YEC bible study--Let's Welcome a new friend

Hello my friends:
we have a new friend coming to the bible study next week. Her name is Amy, and she's only thirteen. She came from Venezuela with her family, and they're staying for good. Let's welcome her and help her out in anything.
Next time we're watching a documentary since we're done with Lesson 2. Lesson 3 will be on its way as soon as I get it ready.
See you all on Sunday (at 9:00 AM)

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3

2013年6月4日 星期二

YEC bible study Lesson 3 Abraham part 1 & welcome Ching

What a great delight to meet Ching, our new friend, in the bible study. Her passion and enthusiasm for learning is inspiring. I'm sure she'll bring lots of input to our discussions. There goes our warmest welcome.
By the way, lesson 3 is right on its way to you, so check out the attached file. The context of this lesson might be somehow familiar to many of us, since we've seen the same passage in our previous book already. However, if you want more challenge, try explaining the vocabulary (red words) in English and that's another story. As a matter of fact, it can be very much like making yourself clear to a foreigner. Anyway, we'll do that on 6/9; so get ready by then.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)



2013年5月17日 星期五

Re: YEC announcement: taking a day off on Sunday 5/19



2013/5/16, 龔書永 <luisk@kss.org.tw>:
> Dear friends:
> The bible study is taking a break on 5/19 in order to make way for a
> scheduled joint worship. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we'll meet again
> on 5/26. For those who didn't show up for quite a while, we're reading
> lesson 2--Noah, and up until now we've just finished the text. So, I hope
> to see more of you at the YEC. And last but not least, we have the link for
> our FB YEC group, check it out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/
> *Jeremiah 29:11* *For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD,
> plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.*
> See you all on 5/19
> Luis*
> *
> Read more:
> http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/bible-verses-about-hope-20-uplifting-scripture-quotes/#ixzz2TT5wkEAd

2013年5月16日 星期四

YEC announcement: taking a day off on Sunday 5/19

Dear friends:
The bible study is taking a break on 5/19 in order to make way for a scheduled  joint worship. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we'll meet again on 5/26. For those who didn't show up for quite a while,  we're reading lesson 2--Noah, and up until now we've just finished the text. So, I hope to see more of you at the YEC. And last but not least, we have the link for our FB YEC group, check it out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

See you all on 5/19


2013年5月5日 星期日

YEC bible study on Mother's Day

My friends:
let me inform you that we'll keep going with our normal schedule even on mother's day; but those who will be busy arranging activities for the occasion please do feel free to do so. On 5/12 we'll do the translation of the text and probably do part of the discussion questions in our book. Be good sons and daughters!

Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not jealous; is not proud; is not conceited; does not act foolishly; is not selfish; is not easily provoked to anger; keeps no record of wrongs; takes no pleasure in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. ~I Corinthians 13:4-7


2013年5月2日 星期四

YEC bible study--Lesson 2 Noah

Hi everyone:
It's time for lesson 2; and keep working hard. Check out the attached file cuz we'll see it next time.

"Whenever I cover the sky with clouds and the rainbow appears, I will remember my promise to you and to all the animals that a flood will never again destroy all living beings." Gen. 9:14-15


2013年4月13日 星期六

YEC bible study--further reading

Dear friends,
I'm sending you the further reading section of out current unit. It's at the end of the file that we just finished last week. Check it out. See you on Sunday (9:00-10:30). Bye

Proverbs 12:26 "One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray."


2013年4月1日 星期一

YEC bible study--Back to work on Sunday 4/7

after the long break we're getting started again with our bible study. Be prepared for lesson 1 (check out the attached file in case you don't have it) and don't forget to bring your book, too. See you then.
John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (NIV)

2013年3月12日 星期二

YEC bible study-- more Goods news to come

two good things to share. First, as you might already know, the church had a new pastor. Lin Wei Chia was consecrated yesterday, and she'll be helping with the children Sunday school. May God bless her effort for the kids.
Second, a friend of the YEC is getting married. Who is it? Candice attended the bible study 2-3 years ago before she was admitted to a school in the UK. She's currently there but will be back in April to arrange some details of her wedding. By then we'll get to see her (and her fiance I guess) in the YEC.
Let's pray for God's blessing and guidance to escort Pastor Lin as well as Candice.

2013年3月5日 星期二

YEC bible study--Hello from California

my friends of the bible study,
greetings to everybody from the US. Esther showed up in our bible study a couple of times last year; and she even stayed in Taiwan for a few months in a row to take care of her sister, who was hospitalized due to cancer. Something that catches my attention was her energy and passion for life. Esther never gives up a chance to improve and learn new things despite being in her seventies. To accompany the church choir, she decided to take keyboard lessons. That uncompromising drive inside her is something rare even among modern young people. After returning to the US, she kept in touch through email, so she's up to everything about the YEC, including this announcement. This time, along with a greeting card, she's sending a $100 note (US dollars cash) for the YEC. Even though thousands of miles away, that cozy feeling couldn't be warmer. It is my honor to express our gratitude to this kind friend half a world away, and may God grant His abundant blessing to this faithful follower. Many thanks again to Esther for her care and kindness.
" My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12

2013年3月1日 星期五

YEC--March Adult Sunday School Schedule

Hi guys,
Check out the schedule for the workshops you like best, and make it there on time. If you have any questions, post it on FB or send me a mail. Gos bless you all.

2013年2月24日 星期日

YEC bible study--2/24 resolution & good tidings

we've concluded today that the bible study will take a break for a whole month, and we'll be back in April. The five Sundays in March will be dedicated to a series of workshops, and I believe those can be of great help. As soon as I get the topics of the discussions, I'll send them on your way. By then you choose the ones that you like best.
We have another good news for you. Our good friend Steven is baptized a christian today. Thanks God for leading him to this faith, and I'm sure God has even bigger plans and blessings waiting for him and his family. God's will is to have everyone saved, and He's leaving no one out. So let's remember one another in our prayers and God will do the rest.
I'll be in touch with everybody through e-mail in March so that you'll be up to the latest in real time.
See you.

2013年2月19日 星期二

YEC--latest news

Hello everyone,
we're getting started with the first lesson on this coming Sunday (2/24), so get ready before then. I'm also sending you the file of the handouts again, but this time in 97-2003 word version just in case you're still using an older software. Many thanks to our friend Steven, who reminded me of this input. And many thanks should also go to Birdy, who suggested and helped me out with the FB YEC group. After all, "two" heads are better than one.
By the way, I'm sharing a good news of mine. My aunt has just decided to receive Jesus as her savior. She's currently recovering from a surgery at a senior citizen home and she wants Jesus in her life. What a great joy, cuz i never thought she'd make such a decision. Glory and praises to the Almighty God. If you too want a friend or a loved one to be a part of us in the family of Jesus, just bring it up and we can pray together. God never fails, and his promises are everlasting.
Lastly, may I remind you that (as usual) the whole month of March will be dedicated to adult Sunday school collective/joint courses. In other words, the YEC will have to make way for such agenda, only to meet again in April. Therefore, if you haven't shown up for quite a while you'd better do it quickly. Despite this, I deeply wish you can make it to those courses as they will be of help.
"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
Until we meet.

2013年2月16日 星期六

YEC--Lesson 1

there goes the copy for our first lesson of the new book. Check it out. We're meeting tomorrow, 2/17, so show up on time for the clip. Bye

2013年2月13日 星期三

YEC--bible study getting back to work on 2/17

Good year to all,
finally after the long break we're getting back to business. Arranged in our agenda is the appreciation of a short documentary on bible background discussion, as usual. We'll see again on 2/17, same place, same time. Until we meet.

2013年2月10日 星期日

YEC--FB invitation

Hi guys,
I'm sending you an invitation for membership to the YEC bible study FB group. If you're interested please do join in, so that you can check out the latest news of the YEC anytime at all.
Our fellow Birdy suggested this wonderful idea, and perhaps more people will get to us through this new option.
Happy New Year to all and best wishes.

Click on the link to go to FB page

2013年2月3日 星期日


How could I have forgotten? Our long time friend Joe is back from the UK and he showed right up. Perhaps some of you guys don't know him, but he's actually one of the founders of the YEC. Thanks God he's back among us, and so far he's fine. I mean both physically and spiritually. He recently had a minor "glitch"; which made him get back for a "tune up". Fortunately, he's fine now. And he dreams bigger than ever; for which we lift our thanks to God. He'll be back to the UK on 2/18, so you guys please keep praying for his job as a Ministry Coordination Manager. We get to see him again on 2/17 at the YEC and let's hope he can share with us more of his harvest in England.
Nice wishes and all the best.

YEC--taking a break

Dear folks,
we had the pleasure of having a new friend to the bible study today. Ricky is actually from Taipei but for now he's taking courses at the South (vocational)Training School. And thanks God he came right to us upon seeing the YEC on the net. We look forward to more interaction with him so that we get acquainted soon.
Another new thing is that the bible study will take a break on 2/10 since everyone will be veeeeeery busy on that day; so we'll be back on 2/17 to keep going again.
Happy new year to all.

2013年2月1日 星期五

YEC bible study--Back to work on 2/3

Dear everyone,
we're getting back to work on 2/3. This is the last time we meet before Chinese new year, so if you're not showing up we'll see you again "next year". This time, we're doing the discussion questions provided by our book; so get ready. Holiday greetings.

2013年1月21日 星期一

YEC--recess announcement and/or discussion

Good morning my friends,
we're having a general assembly at the church on 1/27; therefore, we'll have to pause our bible study for one time again. This is the second time in 2013, perhaps six or seven more to go. I hope you can understand that our bible study will have to comply with the routine agenda (schedule) of the church, and so will the other classes. I also know that everyone at the YEC more or less regrets this. In addition, the Chinese new year is coming soon and we'll have to see if everyone is available on 2/10. We'll decide it next time (2/3). If I remember correctly, the whole month of March will be dedicated to joint courses of the adult Sunday school, so we have a couple of stops in a row. Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted on the latest through e-mail, so stay tuned.
By the way, so far I got the confirmation of Jamie for the second-round purchase of the new textbook. So, if you're getting on the act too (you want to buy) please do tell me cuz I'm sending the order one of these days.
Happy New Year.

2013年1月13日 星期日

YEC--1/13 meeting

dear friends,
it's a thrill to see everyone working so hard; even last week some people came to the YEC. I previously announced the pause through mail but perhaps I did it too early so those must have forgotten. However, I was told that those who came even had a discussion among themselves. I'm so happy to hear that, because their enthusiasm and passion can't be stopped by anything. Thanks Robert, Birdy, Steven, and anyone else who took part in the discussion. The YEC has gone through many changes all these years. In a word, this machine "runs by itself and it doesn't go out of control". You don't even need the voice command system, it simply goes auto. In comparison, the Apple Siri is just like a toy. I know that it feels like a "home away from home"; so perhaps next time I'm out of town for a couple of days I can just turn on the "auto pilot".
As to our new book, we'll have to mail order it in a second round. Those who want it please let me know, I'm sending my order in a couple of days. And by the way, someone please send me the complete Chinese title of the book, I forgot to write it down today (thanks with anticipation). Well, i'll see you next time, bye. Emmanuel.

2013年1月10日 星期四

YEC--back to work on 1/13

Hi guys,
we're getting back to work on 1/13, so don't forget to show up. This time, we'll keep going with the current lesson, Lesson 13 A Bride Needed. By the way, I just got our new book and it turns out that the version we saw has been discontinued (no more in production). Now they gave me the latest version, which was split into Part I and II. Of course, I bought Part I for now, but those who already have the old version will have to see if the two are same. Anyway, they only had six copies in stock, so we''ll have have to make a mail purchase later on. I'll bring along the book for everyone to check it out, and by then the rest may decide whether or not order it. All the best.

2013年1月3日 星期四

YEC--reading material purchase confirmation

Hello my friends of the YEC,
so far I've received the confirmation of three books already: 1. Joshua/Emily 2. Man-mei 3. Cliff
If your name isn't on the list and you want to purchase the book please let me know as soon as you can.
See you.

2013年1月2日 星期三

YEC greetings and good tidings: Spanish Bible Study in Kaohsiung

Dear friends,
I wanna wish you a productive 2013, full of new challenges and growth. In retrospect, I've been in the English bible study for many years already; and thanks God the effort keeps bearing fruits. I know that in the process many people came and went, but it's still worth the struggle. 2013 is also bringing a new foreign language bible study to our church. This time will be Spanish, and my sister will be in charge of it. It's scheduled to be launched in March at the earliest, or perhaps in June or July at the latest. It depends on how quickly we get together all the members that are interested in the subject. So if you or anyone you know is looking for a Spanish bible study here in Kaohsiung just put me through. Or you can also bring him/her to the YEC in the mean time. This bible study will be targeting beginners in Spanish learning, though advanced learners will be welcome as well. Details of this meeting will be posted as soon as I can. By the way, my sister is currently teaching Spanish at Wen Tzao foreign language institute; and she's been in the practice for more than ten years. I believe that both her personal and professional experience in this area will be much more than enough to help out.
Well, that's it for now. Happy 2013!
PS. Please kindly forward this message so that more people get informed.