2013年2月24日 星期日

YEC bible study--2/24 resolution & good tidings

we've concluded today that the bible study will take a break for a whole month, and we'll be back in April. The five Sundays in March will be dedicated to a series of workshops, and I believe those can be of great help. As soon as I get the topics of the discussions, I'll send them on your way. By then you choose the ones that you like best.
We have another good news for you. Our good friend Steven is baptized a christian today. Thanks God for leading him to this faith, and I'm sure God has even bigger plans and blessings waiting for him and his family. God's will is to have everyone saved, and He's leaving no one out. So let's remember one another in our prayers and God will do the rest.
I'll be in touch with everybody through e-mail in March so that you'll be up to the latest in real time.
See you.
