2010年3月29日 星期一

back to work ~ "蒙福之道"

本週也是受難週(紀念耶穌被釘在十字架上),與大家分享這首很美的詩歌(愛是不保留,An Unreserved Love),旋律好聽,英文歌詞也很動人。願大家都能常存感恩的心,領受更新的生活與美好的生命。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afHLdc8Ibhg&feature=PlayList&p=FADF5AD723D871FC&index=5

2010年3月1日 星期一

speeches in March

Dear folks of the YEC,

Our English bible study class will break for a recess in March but in its place will be a series of interesting biblical subjects, so welcome all those who want to check it out. The speeches will take place at the same time (Sunday morning 8:30~9:30) in classroom 310.

You won't be disappointed if you can make it to the collective class. Also, three new friends came along to the YEC, they were Julie (energetic and eager to take part in our discussions, pretty good English, too), Super (working for an publicity company and is in search of new challenges in English learning), and Obely (I hope the name is correctly spelt. He's currently working for a sort of electronic comapny).

I hope to see more new people joining since the YEC is an open source, free and available for everyone who shares the passion of both English learning and bible study. Therefore, if someone around is looking for a place to practice, bring him/ her up.

God Bless.