●聯絡方式07-2866790 fb.com/groups/kss.yec
●LUIS老師 -- 國小英語師資教育部甄試合格教師
●CindyChen老師 -- 國中英語教師
2013年11月29日 星期五
YEC English bible study--12/1英語查經班聚會通知
2013年11月17日 星期日
YEC bible study: 11/17 meeting diary & break on 11/24
2013年11月10日 星期日
YEC English bible study--11/10 meeting diary
Hi everyone,
Today we've been through lesson 6, questions 1-4. However, we're leaving questions 5-6 for next time cuz those are more based on personal opinions rather than biblical facts. By the way, next time we're watching a video on the testimony of a former porn star who was saved by Jesus. We talked a little bit of that today in our meeting, and you definitely can't pass it up. It'll be a 40 min. video, without subtitles, and all English of course. I'll guarantee a shocking yet touching feeling after you see it. Perhaps we'll never go through the same adversities and calamities she had; however, in some ways like I said today, we much or less compare to the filthiest and most pathetic people we can imagine. So if you happen to be in a similar situation, please never give up on yourself, neither do you give up on God, the Lord, for there will always be a purpose for your and everyone's life in Jesus. He'll do awesome things on you, and those will certainly be way beyond your imagination.
Today's attendees were Paul, Ian, Man-mei, Steven, Ruth and Cliff (if I missed anyone please do let me know). I hope more people show up next time to share the wonderful message conveyed by the testimony. And by the way, since the film will be kind of long, try to make it there on time so as not to miss anything. May God be with you all!
our FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/
ps. Lesson 7 handouts had already been given today, but check the attachment if you didn't show up. Anyway, I'll bring them to you next time we meet.
2013年11月3日 星期日
YEC bible study--11/3 meeting
大家好,我們今天把第六課的文章全部討論完畢.對我們來說看起來只要幾分鐘的故事,對Joseph來說是一輩子的生活經.很難想像如果我們就是故事中的主角,我們應該會用什麼樣的態度來看待上帝. Joseph的感受一定是很難形容的,在患難中度日如年.儘管這樣,他還是沒有失去信心.或許這就是我們在信心上要去學習的功課.著算已經成為基督徒了,人生還是有可能遇到一些苦難.我相信在看起來很平凡的外表之下,每個人或多或少都有一些大大小小的難題.這時候,我們今天看到的故事不就是一個最好的楷模,讓我們每個人有跡可循嗎? 要練出一身好功夫真不容易,還好身為個基督徒我們最上面有一個天父可以來交託和依靠,其他的只剩下柔軟的心和順福的態度.願上帝親自添加力量給大家,讓你的人生和Joseph一樣不只有走在他的道路上也能榮耀他的名.
今天出席的同學們有:Robert, Steven, Jill, Man-mei, Paul, Ian, Cliff, Ching, Birdy.不過Ruth用FB告訴我他今天有事情下次才會出現. Jamie要忙到明年,2014/1/1以後才會出現.
參考看看我們的FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/kss.yec/